Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Chain Mail

Chain mail, I love you so. Why do people send it out? Who knows. Does it matter? Definitely not. People I know become so angry upon the mere sight of it that they fall all over theirselves swearing and screaming before realizing how funny the mail could be. Especially when they bring it upon themselves. Yes, it's very possible to send out a massive chain mail. All you have to do is, when making a contact list, including all your contacts in it, thereby sending out a mass email to everyone you've ever known through friends, as long as they have an e-mail. Soon enough, this mass mail will transform into a conversation of gigantic proportions, all parts of which will be sent to your family and friends, all of the teen humor and language still intact. This will then cause the sender of the mail to be extremely irritable, having had 'worlds collide' by their mail being sent to their parents and friends. Even the creepy ones you find are hilarious.
'Send this email to 100 different people or you will DIE'
However, now that this has begun, chain-mailing has spread to the outer reaches of the world wide web. Now, it has begun to become so popular that it appears on YouTube. Some of the more avid watchers definitely know of this, but to all you greenhorns, when a message says 'do not read', DO NOT READ! It is tolerable, and even fun at first, but when chain-mail quickly becomes less funny and more creepy, it evolves from a harmless inconvenience into a dangerous and irritating menace.

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