Sunday, October 12, 2008


What is this infatuation with celebrities? You see better looking people on the street every day. You see more INTERESTING people on the street every day. Yet, you seem to be somehow drawn to those who others are drawn to. It's something like a trickle-down formula. One really popular guy sees someone in a movie.
'Wow! They're cool!'
The second guy wants to fit in. He decides to agree with the first dude, so he takes some pictures. Some newspapers see these popular guys are interested in other, more popular guys. They decide to go with it, too. Before you know it, people are getting payed for taking interest in the ultra populars. These ultra-populars become so ultra popular that their appearance and being is simply celebrated everywhere they go. They become celebrities. But here is the true question: that first popular guy. The very first that decides who is popular and who isn't. That guy; who decides that HE is popular? And who decides that this mystery man is popular? And who decides that THAT guy is popular? It goes on and on forever. The only logical answer is that popularity, or 'cool' is decided by those who were previously cool, and who previously were cool were decided by who were cool before them. The true origin of cool, if you want to be absolutely literal, is that first guy who clumped some dirt in a ball and started rolling it around. Who was then discovered by another guy that made a wheel from his idea, and that next guy that thought it was cool and put two of them together and rolled on them. Those are the true origins of cool. Mystery solved.

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