Sunday, October 12, 2008

You're in for some controversy.

Jesus. What a guy. It wasn't enough that he was the son of god, he was also a really nice dude. He hated rich people, gave to the poor, and cured blindness and diseases. Amazing, no? Well, this may be offensive, but I am here to tell you there was a Jesus. Yes, I will repeat that. There WAS a Jesus. He, however, was not the Messiah.
Take into consideration the possibility that Jesus was a miracle worker. Take into consideration that he was a conman. Compare those two. Which one was more likely? Imagine. You live in a time of doubt and uncertainty. The entire world is strange and foreign. There are no proper records of ancient history, nor are there theories of what the far future will be.
Then some dude comes along. He tells you that there's this entity, this being that is everything and everywhere, and he or she or it is controlling every aspect of your life. Is controlling what happens now and next. Has controlled everything that has ever happened EVER.
Now the dude tells you he is this being's son. At first you're skeptical.
'Oh, yeah? Prove it.'
'Okay. I will.'
Takes you to his mom's place. Says his mom was a virgin when she birthed him. You go see her, and apparently, it's true. Never had sex. Was engaged to be married when she became pregnant. Now she CAN'T be lying. She's his mom. You're excited, but still skeptical.
'Show me more proof.'
'Uh...I can perform a miracle.'
'Show me.'
The dude does a little trick.
'Whoa, man! You're the real deal!'
'Told you.'
You're really amazed.
'I gotta go tell some friends about you! Hey, what's your name?'
'Me? I'm Jesus.'
'Jesus what?'
'Jesus Christ.'
Bam! You've got a religion.

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