Friday, August 15, 2008


A lot of days, after school, I go down to the convenience store down the street and buy a...uh, cup of Cup Noodles. Not just any Cup Noodles. Korean Cup Noodles. The Korean guy that works at and owns the store always looks at me strangely when I buy them, as if I have no right to buy them if I am not Korean. Don't get me wrong, he was a nice guy, it's just that he was confused. Wouldn't you be if you saw an indian kid walk into a store in Seattle and buy a cup of instant noodles from Korea?
Over the following months, however, I learned, though impressionable, he was a really nice guy. He would make jokes, ask my name, and have conversations with me. It was his wife I had to watch out for. Oh, man, his wife was a jerk.
Once, some friends and I went down to the store to get something to drink, and had noticed that the owner wasn't there. We figured it would be rude to ask who she was, so we were quiet. A few moments later, the owner wandered out of the back, whispered something in his wife's ear, kissed her, and went back inside. We assumed she was his wife.
Anyway, we were taking a while choosing our sodas, and she had gotten angry and impatient with us, and started yelling for us to hurry up. So, we picked up the pace and chose our drinks quickly. One of my friends had some kind of problem with drinking from a can, and asked her if he could get a cup for himself. The wife, just to spite us for taking too long, denied him the cup. 'No cup for you!'
So Isaiah, partially because he hhated drinking from cans, and partially to spite her back proclaimed 'Fine! Then, I don't want the drink!'. The wife's eyes widened as she snatched all of our soda cans from our hands and said that none of us can have any Soda at all. The next day the owner was back.
Luckily, we almost never ran into his wife again.

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